Autor: admin3453
Insta 9
Nawiedzony Hotel
Insta 8
Koszmar jednej Nocy
Insta 7
Insta 6
Tam La-Bas
Insta 5
Zagadka Jesiennej Nocy
Insta 4
Dr. Jekyll i Pan Hyde
Tajemnice Zamku Udolpho
The Vampyre
Zagrabione Życie
„The Whispering Muse” – Laura Purcell
“You see, now, the beauty of tragedy? It has so many faces. Not all doom and gloom but nobility, honour and a hundred other qualities. You may laugh at a comedy, but you’ll forget it in time. Tragedy has burrs. It sticks to your heart. You remember what it made you feel, always.” Wiktoriański teatr…